Score3 The MassMarket Database


Do you want to check the solvency of one of your customers or suppliers?

Score3 provides you with an instant diagnosis of a business’ financial situation, based on a degree of vigilance based on the last 3 balance sheets published and on 3 reference scores.

With Score3

  • Prepare your prospecting files according to your criteria.
  • Free and personalised scoring.
  • Instant online quotation.
  • Order a detailed financial appraisal on a company in France or abroad and be informed of its current solvency.
  • Individual or unlimited reports and financial ratios thanks to the BUSINESS and SCORE3 packs.
  • Monitor businesses free of charge and order detailed legal announcements.
  • Consult the list of business failures in your region and your business area for free.

Guaranteed receivables calculation

Determine and receive by email the feasibility of a business relationship with a customer thanks to the automatic receivables calculation… and assess the probability of guaranteeing this transaction.

Learn more