Serenitas Financial guarantee

Grow your business with confidence
Do you want to protect yourself from the risk of non-payment and to grow your business?
Select a credit insurancePOUEY COMMERCIAL INFORMATION GUARANTEED (PRCG, SIREN: 414 494 419) is approved by the ACPR for the activity corresponding to the branches mentioned in article R. 321-1 of the Insurance Code: – branch 14 – credit. Art. 2 solution with the Serenitas guarantee, and secure up to €300,000 receivables per customer, in France and abroad.
Our services include...
- Prevention of the risk of non-payment: reliable and personalised information on the solvency of your customers of concern.
- Management of your customer account: accounting follow-up and amiable chase-up, if necessary, of all of your guaranteed customers.
- Compensation for uncollected debts: the amounts are compensated to you at 100% excluding tax, without deductible.
Pouey supports you
Fast turn-around
Expertise of collection managers, financial analysts and lawyers
Extended international
A unique service
“A la carte” guarantee
Guarantee your prospects or customers on a case-by-case basis, according to your choice, and not necessarily for your entire portfolio.
100% compensation
In the event of non-payment(s), you will be paid within a maximum of 30 days at the end of the chase-up month, at 100% of the guarantee granted, excluding tax.
Insurance Top – Up
Serenitas insurance can be complementary to your credit insurance.
It applies to those of your customers rejected, limited or terminated by your credit insurer
A global risk management solution
- Save time: by entrusting the management of your at-risk customers to Pouey International, focus on your business.
- Quickly recover your debts: by benefiting from our expertise, preserve your cash flow.
- Increase your financial capacity: by having financial protection, reassure your financial or business partners and develop your market share.